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Friday, February 29, 2008

And Now It's My Turn . . .

A nasty cold and flu bug has been making the rounds through the park over the past month. Pat & Dick had it and now it seems that it's my turn. YUCK! I hate having a cold. Unfortunately, I also have bronchitis. Aren't I the lucky one!?!?!! But, I'm grateful it was caught early and I'm on an antibiotic. Now, if I could just keep my nose from running all down my face. Oh, sorry. Guess that was just a little too much info, huh?

So, I've been down for a few days, but I do feel a little better tonight. Still sound like Elmer Fudd, but I'm on the mend.

Hope you're having a good time, wherever you are. Until the next time . . .

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:45 AM

    So sorry to hear you're sick. Try some chicken soup, it always helps me!

    Love, Willy from Winterville
