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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Quiet Day

Wow! It was actually quite chilly this morning when I got up at 6:30. The thermometer read 53 degrees outside and 59 inside! But, I'll take it. I just put on my ratty, comfy sweater and curled up in the recliner for my quiet time. It's funny how 59 degrees is warm in the winter, but come summertime, brrrrrrrr. :)

Got out the door around 7am for my Curves workout. And if one more person asks me if I “like” it, I'm gonna scream. “Like” is NOT the correct verb for any form of exercise. Sorry! Yes, if I have to exercise (and shouldn't we all), Curves is the least annoying that I've found. But, I can't say that I like it. I don't. I probably won't every like exercising. So, there you go.

Back home around 8:30, in time to catch the last half hour of Good Morning America. That's a downside of going to Curves each morning, I miss GMA. Okay, so I'm a nerd. But, I like GMA. And only seeing the last half hour means I really don't get caught up on what's going on in the world. The last half hour is usually fluff stuff and entertainment news. Not the I don't like fluff and entertainment, 'cause we all know I love that gossip!, but I would like to know a little about what's happening elsewhere. Oh, well. If the world's gonna end, I'll know it sooner or later, right?

Have I mentioned the gorgeous weather, yet? Oh, yeah, I did tell you how cool it was this morning. Well, it's just getting better as the day goes on. Beautiful blue sky with lots of clouds floating by and a great breeze. It's gonna be another afternoon in the recliner out in the screened room, I can just feel it. Why am I waiting? I'll finish this later!

Oh, my. What a great couple of hours! I sat outside and cross-stitched and read and just enjoyed being out there. It was wonderful.

But! What a change that came up. All of a sudden it got dark and there was thunder and the rain came down in torrents!! And just as quickly it was over! Very strange.

Leftovers for dinner and then it was time for So You Think You Can Dance. Randy's up in the bedroom, so I'm watching TV by myself. That's it for tonight.

Tomorrow's full – both of us have dentist appointments; Randy wants to check out a tire place and it's laundry day. Such fun!

Until the next time!

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