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Friday, October 01, 2010

Good-bye . . . and Hello!

Because of a sporadic internet connection, I missed saying good-bye to September yesterday! And, believe me, I am thrilled to see it gone! It was not a great month for the Guilers, that's for sure.

So, we say a cheery hello to October and pray that it will be much less crazy and much quieter than its predecessor.

Today was filled with the usual first-of-the-month errands. Unfortunately, I got stuck going to the grocery by myself today – which I abhor. But, Randy was home checking on the on again/off again leak. He was all prepared to fix it when he found there was no leak. Again. So he just tightened up all the connections and is going to watch to see if that fixes it.

That's it for now. Nothing planned for the weekend. Hope it stays that way!

Until the next time . . .


  1. That's my favorite kind of leak - one that isn't!

    Have agreat October.

  2. The best kind of leak is the one that fixes itself. Let's all hope that October is better than September and it will be.
    Mike & Gerri
