Your first impression of this ship is just how HUGE it is. Just amazing. And you get to walk through just about every part of it: crew quarters; eating areas (excuse me, the mess halls); gun turrets; captain's quarters; medical areas; ammunition storage, etc. And the size of that ammo!! Oh, my gosh! Of course, not all of it was as big as Randy, but you get my meaning.
At this site, there are also other historic planes and war memorials. The Korean War and Viet Nam memorials are very moving,
Randy & I are always so moved when we visit these historic sites. Here we got such a sense of humility just knowing what these servicemen & women went through to preserve the freedoms we so enjoy. I know that sounds hokey, but it's true. Standing on that battleship and seeing the skills it took to man that ship and the victories they achieved in war, you just can't help but be grateful. At least, I know I am. It's good to be reminded of what we have here in this country.
Glad you had a great time on ex-ALABAMA. I am the program manager for the Navy's annual inspections of museum ships located around the country. Love it when people enjoy their visits to these great historical treasures.