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Monday, June 04, 2007
Hitting the ground running in PA
We arrived in York, PA in the early afternoon last Friday. After we set up the rig, we headed over to Jason and Lindsay's - I couldn't wait to get my hands on Reagan! And I wanted to see Randy's face when he saw her for the first time in FIVE months.
When we pulled up to the house, Lindsay & Reagan were outside waiting for us! I was so excited! As we got out of the truck, I called for Reagan to come to see us and that little booger giggled, turned and ran the other way! Well, needless to say, I took off after her. I chased her into the house and grabbed her up and smothered her in kisses. She was laughing the whole time. What a personality that little one has!
We had a wonderful evening of getting reacquainted with Reagan as well as catching up with what Jason and Lindsay have been up to since their move to PA. Lindsay made a great dinner to celebrate Randy's birthday and then we took a drive around town so they could show us places they've found. Randy & I are so very pleased to see how happy Jason & Lindsay are with their move here. They have begun to meet neighbors and Lindsay is getting involved with play groups so she and Reagan can meet other moms and kids. It is a great feeling to know your kids are settled and content.
Saturday we headed down to Megan's to celebrate her 25th birthday. Her birthday is not until June 7, but since we'll be in Georgia attending Kev's graduation, we celebrated early. It's hard to believe Megan is 25; seems like just yesterday she was in a high chair smearing spaghetti all over herself and everything she touched! :) It was a good day of being with family, something we had missed over the last several months. Lots of laughing - not surprised at that, huh?
Yesterday was a day at home, and we needed it. We finished getting the RV set up; putting up pictures, putting items away, etc. It was a quiet, rainy day. Kinda nice, actually.
Tomorrow we head for Fort Benning, GA to celebrate Kevin's graduation from Basic & Advanced Training. We are SO excited. After seeing him in April and finding him to be so much more focused and mature, I can't wait to see how the last six weeks have changed him. And we'll be able to bring him home for several days!
Take care of each other. More to come. Until the next time . . .
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