Last Tuesday morning (a week ago yesterday, we met up with my folks at Lindsay's
God granted us safe travel and we arrived at Fort Benning's campground, Uchee Creek, around 6:00 pm on Wednesday evening. All of us were exhausted and ready to flop, so we did. Lindsay, Sara & Reagan were in one cabin and Randy, my folks and I were in another. We needed to get a good night's rest so that we could enjoy the next couple of days.
Thursday's ceremony was Turning Blue. This is where the infantrymen are awarded their blue cords for their uniforms. The cord is blue because it distinguishes the infantrymen from other troops. This was done very early in the history of the infantry because there were many different colored uniforms and it was decided there needed to be one constant in those uniforms, thus the blue cord.
We had attended a briefing before the ceremony during which the company's Drill Sergeants were introduced to us and we watched a couple of videos that showed us
What a feeling when those platoons first appeared around the corner!! Oh my gosh - we heard them first and then four platoons appeared in disciplined formation and moving as one unit. How impressive - I'm tearing up just remembering how it felt to see them for the first time. After an introduction of the company, the national anthem, and the Soldiers singing the
After the Turning Blue ceremony, we met Kevin's best buddy, Ted & his family at Red Lobster for a celebratory lunch. There were 14 of us! We even had another Soldier with us, Shane Lucas, because he had no family with him. (As you think of it, please pray for Shane - he is headed to Iraq at the end of the month.) We had a wonderful time just reveling in having
Friday morning we had to be in the cars at 7:30 am in order to get to the graduation! That is no easy feat when you're trying to get seven people moving, but we did it! We were at the field in plenty of time to get a good parking space and peruse the many souvenirs available for purchase. Promptly at 9 am, it is the Army after all, the ceremony started with the base band playing several patriotic songs. Then we
It was hard to believe that at the end of graduation we could actually take Kevin home with us!! We hadn't known how long a leave Kev would get and I was praying for 11 days - that would mean he would have to be in Atlanta to catch a plane on June 18. But, God always surpasses our greatest desires - He gave us almost THREE weeks! Kevin is with us until June 27!! We couldn't believe it. He has to be on a plane out of Atlanta at 7:48 am on June 27. What a gift.
After a two day trip back home, we arrived at Lindsay's around 6pm last Saturday. Needless to say, Lindsay & Reagan were very excited to see Jason. It was fun to watch - Jason was in the driveway when we pulled up and Reagan let out a squeal that would have had dogs running!! :)
Saturday we will celebrate Kevin's homecoming with a party at my sister's. We wish everyone who loves Kevin could be there, but we know your prayers will be with him. Look forward to pictures of the party!
Thanks for the great narration about Kevin's graduation. I felt like I was there.
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Signed, Bubba from Birmingham