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Monday, October 10, 2011

The Big Weekend is Over

And it was a great weekend! My mom, Lindsay & Reagan arrived at the campground about 1pm on Friday. Kevin and Samantha were kind enough to drive to Kansas City (a two hour drive) to pick them up. While they were doing that, we were on AubreyLynn (AL) watch. Not a bad trade, I'd say. :)

Once everyone arrived, it was all about Mommy, Lins and Reagan getting to know AubreyLynn.

Reagan and Gma meeting AL and Aunt SamGreat Gma's turn Aunt Sis getting her lovin' P1130814

She was definitely the center of attention all weekend long. Reagan did really well with that considering she's used to be the center of attention – especially with her mom and me.

I can't begin to express how great it was to have so much family together in one place. It has been three years since Kevin & Lindsay have been in the same place. Add to that, having my mom there, too, was just icing on the cake.

Was the RV crowded? Sure. Was it chaotic at times? Absolutely. Did I love it? YOU BET I DID!!

And it was oh, so very hard, to say good-bye when we took Mommy, Lins & Reagan to the airport yesterday. I still find myself tearing up when I think about it. Okay, only ten weeks 'til Christmas!

Now, I'll just let the pictures talk.

P1130819 What a great smile! Nana and her little girlies IMG_0937 Uncle, Aunt and cousins Cousins!

Oh, and we were interviewed by Shane of If you're interested, here's the link:

Until the next time . . .


  1. What adorable family pictures. Glad you had a nice visit. It's always hard to say goodbye.

  2. love all the pictures. The baby is just adorable.
