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Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Acadia National Park and Bar Harbor
What a great day we had today!! Once again, the weather was absolutely gorgeous - sunny, slight breeze and 60s. Couldn't ask for better. We headed to Acadia National Park and Bar Harbor. They are found on Mount Desert Island which sits between Frenchman Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. The island was so named because its discoverer thought the baretopped mountains looked like desert.
Acadia National Park is only a little more than an hour from our park. We knew that there was much more to see than we could do in a day, so we elected to drive up Cadillac Mountain before taking any of the free (yes, free!) shuttle buses the park provides to the other areas of the park. There are no shuttles to the mountain and we really wanted to see that. We were NOT disappointed! The mountain is over 1500 feet above sea level and is named for the Frenchman who was granted possession of this area by King Louis XIV in the 1600s. This same guy later founded Detroit; hence the name of the automobile!
Took lots of pictures, only some of which are posted here. Be sure to go to our Webshots page at to see the rest of them. The pictures really don't do the view justice, but I did the best I could. The area was carved out by glaciers lots of years ago and it never ceases to amaze me what God and His nature can do. Enjoy!
We took so long on Cadillac Mountain that it was time to get some lunch and check out Bar Harbor. The park shuttles run out of Bar Harbor and we figured we catch at least one, but it didn't happen. By the time we had lunch and walked around Bar Harbor, we'd run out of time! Oh, well, we figure we'll just have to come back. There's too much left to see not to!
Bar Harbor is another quaint Maine town. (Do I repeat that phrase too often? Sorry, but it's appropriate.) We could not believe the number of people visiting!! It's Wednesday and aren't most people supposed to be working???? We did see a couple of cruise ships out in the harbor, so that accounted for all of those folks, I guess.
We had not yet sampled the local cuisine, so we decided today was a good time to do so. We had a great lunch; Randy had the scallops and I had a bowl of lobster bisque. YUMMMMMMYYYYYY! The bisque was so good and Randy said his scallops were great. He said that you could tell they were fresh - tasted very different from home. Once we'd finished lunch, we knew we had to walk around town just to exercise some of it off! :)
We went in many of the shops and enjoyed the view of the harbor. I could have just sat and watched the people, ships, and water all day. It was beautiful. Unfortunately, it was time to go home - Blackie was waiting.
Tomorrow is another "off" day. We're going to try, once again, to get our internet satellite up and just enjoy the campground and the people. Friday, we take off early 'cause we've got a long driving day ahead of us. Probably won't have much to share over the weekend as we'll be traveling each day until Tuesday, when we get to Kentucky.
Until we "talk" again, take care of one another. Please keep in touch, we love to hear from everyone. Love and hugs to all.
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