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Monday, September 25, 2006
The Easternmost Point in the United States
We woke up this morning to beautiful sunshine!! YAY! Since our road trip today was only going to be 2.5 hours to the next campground, we took a quick trip to West Quoddy Head Light Station. This is the easternmost point in the United States. On the way to West Quoddy, we stopped in Perry, Maine. Perry has the distinction of being at the 45th parallel, which is exactly halfway between the Equator and the North Pole. Perry is such a small town to have such a big claim to fame!
West Quoddy Head Light Station was just gorgeous. Seeing it in the morning was especially nice because the sun was shining on the ocean and was breathtaking. It was quite humbling to look on God's creation. The ocean, shoreline and sunshine combined made us just stand and gawk. It was great!
After experiencing all that beauty, we headed back to the campground so we could get on the road. Having such a short trip was a nice change. We got to Hermon, just west of Bangor, about 1:30 this afternoon. This is a very nice park - clean, easy to get in the site, and nice folks.
Looking forward to seeing Acadia National Park on Wednesday. Tomorrow is a "work" day - cleaning, laundry, etc. Take care of each other! Keep in touch.
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