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Saturday, March 03, 2007
Gulf Shores Zoo & Saying Good-Bye
What fun we had yesterday at the Gulf Shores Zoo. This is a very small zoo, easily walked in an hour or so. It had all the animals I like to see without having to slog through many that I don't want to see. When you first walk into the zoo, through the gift shop of course, the first thing you see is the Ring Tail Lemur Island. These are the cutest animals! And one of them had just given birth the day before to twins! I have a picture of her at our Webshots site. You can just barely see the baby sticking his head out around her belly. The mother carries the babies around as they cling to her stomach. The site address is:
We were treated to a short show during which we were taught a little about the Maccaw parrot, Bearded Dragon Lizard,Albino King Snake, Albino Ferret, and a Chinchilla. We were allowed to pet or touch each of these. I was amazed at how soft the king snake was!! I would love to have skin that soft. He was very pretty, too. And, if any of you are looking for a great pet for one of your grandkids, kids or yourself, apparently the Bearded Dragon Lizard is a good one. Doesn't eat much, grow too big or bite. Just thought I'd share.
One of the Black Leopards housed at this zoo was donated by Jack Hanna, the animal guy we all know from TV. Her name is Katrina.
One of the best scenes was in the Black Mane Lion area. There was a female and a male and they were very frisky; playing with one another, batting each other. Totally reminded me of a couple of kittens at play. So cool.
Just as we were leaving, a couple of ducks came up to a fence near the lions' cage where we were standing. All of a sudden, the duck poked his beak through the fence posts and began pecking and trying to bite Randy's leg! The duck was squawking and going after Randy's foot, leg, anything he could get close to. It was very funny. All in all, a very nice day at the zoo.
We had to say good-bye to Darrell & Judy today. They are leaving for Florida in the morning. They are going to Dade City to join in a Habitat for Humanity build. It's their first time at a build and they are pretty excited. Darrell & Judy were our next door neighbors. We have really enjoyed getting to know them and look forward to catching up with them via e-mail and on the road in the future. Darrell keeps a website of their travels. Take a look at it sometime. The site address is: I think you'll enjoy it.
That's about it for now. Tomorrow is going to be another fun day! We've got church in the morning, then I've got dulcimer practice in the afternoon. Tomorrow evening the park is hosting a "Flatulence Festival" at which many of us will share our various bean dishes. Everyone will pay $3/person for the privilege of tasting any and all dishes. The proceeds will go to the local volunteer fire department. Do we know how to have fun, or what!?!?!?!!
Take care of each other. Until the next time . . .
The Flatulence Festival!!??!?! That's right up your alley, Mom! HAHAH