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Monday, July 09, 2007
Spending time with Family & Friends
We started this month with a family gathering at Jason & Lindsay's house on July 1st. Since the 4th of July fell on a Wednesday, we decided to have our picnic early! It was a beautiful day, weather-wise; great breeze and not too hot - perfect!! This was Jason & Lindsay's first family party at their new home. It was fun seeing how much everyone loved the new house. Jason & Lindsay have done a wonderful job of decorating and making it a home already.
On July 2nd, we got to celebrate Kelly's 9th birthday. Amita & James had family in for cake and ice cream and presents, of course. Randy hadn't seen the girls since Christmas, although I had seen them in April when I had come home for a week. It's so hard to believe that Kelly is 9 already. Seems like just yesterday she was sitting beside my desk in her infant carrier! We loved being able to share in her birthday celebration.
The weekend was a little busier. On Friday, Randy finally got his satellite TV!! Yes, we have entered the 21st century of TV. He can watch SciFi anytime he wants now. I didn't realize how many original shows there are on cable now. Good grief, there's not enough time in the day to watch all the TV that's out there!!
Saturday evening we went to an outdoor concert at a local winery. Our close friends, Lee & Cheri, invited us to join a group of their friends at Nissley Winery. This is a great venue - it's only $14/person to get in and you can take a picnic dinner. It was lots of fun. Good friends, good food & good music - what more can a person ask for!!
Sunday was spent at Paula & Lou's. Our nephew, Joe, was in town for a friend's wedding and so the family gathered together to spend time with him. As always when our family is together, there were lots of laughs, food and loud talking. Joe looks so good. Unfortunately, Jason & Lindsay were unable to be with us on Sunday because they had a prior commitment. But, Paula, Joe, Lisa & kids came to Lindsay's today so they could see them and the new house. Reagan wasn't very sure about Uncle Joe. He's soooooo tall and has a very deep voice. She finally warmed up to him about the time he had to leave. But, she had a great time with Jimmy, Kylie & Kelsey!
July seems to be shaping up to be a much quieter month than June, which is not a bad thing at all! :) We'll be spending lots of time with Reagan and just enjoying being close to family and friends again. Please keep in touch.
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