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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

First Dulcimer Gig!

I participated in my first public performance as a dulcimer player! :) Jubilee Pickers performs at an annual fundraiser for a local church and about 12 of us signed up to play. The Pickers has many more members than that, but that was all that could fit in the corner we were given to set up in.

I had a blast! And I could even play most of the songs that were called. I was excited about that. I thought we would play for about an hour at the most, but when we got there, we found out that the event was from 4:30 to 7:00 and we were to play the whole time except for a dinner break! Whoa. Definitely not what I was expecting! Needless to say, my arm was really tired when we were finished. Hey, maybe I'll actually have some muscle tone in my right arm when the season's over!

Don't laugh!! It could happen . . . maybe . . . possibly . . . okay, so it won't. Let me have my fantasies, all right? :)

Well, just wanted to share. Hope you're having a good day wherever you are. Until the next time . . .

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