Our internet connection here is atrocious. Not sure why 'cause the cell phone reception is pretty good. So, I spent $4.95 to use the WIFI here. It's not much better. That's my first frustration of the day.
Second frustration: once again our DVR is acting up. I am so tired of it - I just want DISH to fix it and be done with it. The DVR continues to shut down, leaving us with a snowy picture. Of course, when I call, each tech wants to run through the troubleshooting points. After my third call, I told the tech I was extremely frustrated and didn't want to go through all the hassle of the troubleshooting, I just wanted a new receiver. He was the best one I'd talked to and did a couple of things no one else had done and we got the picture back. He did say he would write in the notes on our account that if we called in again with the same problem, that we were to receive a new DVR. Good.
Of course, it didn't take but an hour for the DVR to go out. So I called, asked the new guy I talked with to just read the notes and send us a new receiver. He did that without a lot of questions. So, we will receive the new DVR in Kansas.
Until then, about every 20 minutes, the DVR goes out and we have a snowy picture. Right now, we've shut it off and are watching regular TV. Back to "roughing it." hahahaha :)
And lastly, I was also annoyed that the laundry in this campground is so expensive. To wash your clothes in warm water, it's $1.75/load. If you use a cold water wash, it's $1.25. That I can live with. BUT, to dry your clothes? It costs 25 cents per 5 minutes of drying time!! That's $2.00 for 40 minutes!! That's outrageous. So, we're holding out 'til we get to Kev & Sara's.
Aren't you enjoying my venting? Sorry. Just hate it when things don't go the way I think they should. April has been filled with frustrations and I guess I'm ready for it to be over.
These pictures make me feel better, though. Some of the scenery we had on our way here. I hope you enjoy them, too.
The weather is not supposed to be the greatest over the next couple of days, so we're not sure what we're going to do. We had already decided not to do some of the typical stuff - Pike's Peak, for example. I know, I know. But, we're kind of saturated with scenic views. That probably sounds horrible, but there it is. So, we'll let you know what happens!
Until the next time . . .
Well, your wish will soon be granted... today is the last day of April! May will be better!
ReplyDeleteIf you ever come to Canada, be prepared for the prices in the campground laundromats. It's pricey for laundry!
ReplyDeleteI really do see your point about the price of laundry, especially when you're done it at so many campgrounds. I had a similiar episode this week at Lowe's. Bought plants for $16 each, but cashier rung up $19. We argued, so I had to go the sign and prove it to her. I wish you had someone you could go to stop the laundry rip off!!!