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Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Sightseeing in Elkhart IN

We woke up to a gorgeous day today! It was quite cold last night (high 20s!), but it warmed up to the mid-60s and sunny. Since we had nothing planned, we decided to take a ride to see what was in the area.

We found the RV/MH Hall of Fame - yes, there really is such a thing. They had so many vintage (read "old") travel trailers, pop-up campers, and motorhomes that were donated by various people. I've posted a picture below of a 1913 travel trailer with its tow car. 1913!! Other pictures are posted on our Webshots website. There was a couple of VERY old pop-up campers as well as some VERY small trailers. But, Randy & I realized that, no matter how sophisticated we think we are, things haven't changed a whole lot in RVs. Yes, we have great technology now, but an RV today still consists of the same things as 100 years ago - living space, kitchen, bath & sleeping space. It's amazing to see how those old trailers look very much like the ones today.

This area is also know for its Amish population and in the town of Middlebury, just east of Elkhart, there is an Amish restaurant, bakery and shopping village. We went there and walked through the shops (found another thimble for Reagan's collection!) and forced ourselves to eat at the restaurant. We did see a couple of horse & buggies. One of them was driven by a woman with her baby on her lap! The baby was even dressed in the classic Amish dress and was so cute. I just can't wait to get home to Reagan!!!!

We leave tomorrow morning for Ohio. Will be there until Sunday morning. We're looking forward to catching up with Roy & Barb, our Escapees friends. Then, it's stopping in PA for Sunday night and HOME on Monday.

Take care. I'm sure we'll have more to share once we get to Ohio. Keep in touch!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:26 PM

    You never said, did your truck get fixed? Bubba in Birmingham
