Tuesday evening we went to another FRG meeting with them. This one was just Kevin's unit, very small group. Apparently the unit has these meetings once a month; the agenda is to keep the families informed of the unit's schedule; to introduce "new" members, i.e., babies born since the last meeting; and there's topic discussed. A financial advisor attended this meeting and he shared budgeting tips and how to get the most out of your money. He was pretty good.
On Wednesday we just hung out at Kevin & Sara's, had dinner and watched the movie, "Taken." It was a good movie! Suspenseful and attention-keeping. Liked it a lot.
Yesterday Kevin got off from work mid-morning, so we all got to spend the whole day together. Once again, I gotta tell you how generous Sara is with her time with Kevin. She has allowed us to spend so much time with them even though Kevin was leaving again so soon. Sara, we appreciate you SO much!
We went into Manhattan to have lunch and go to the new Bed Bath & Beyond (Randy loves that store!). After strolling through BB&B, we went to a Yamaha dealer so Kevin could drool over some of the motorcycles there. Then, it was back to Kevin & Sara's house so Sara could do some homework before we went out to dinner. It was Kevin's last night at home, so we were treating them to a nice dinner out. We went to Houlihan's; we had never been to one before. It was a good meal.
Once back at K & S's, we got some family pics and then it was time to say good-bye to Kevin. He's going out for a month of training. I hate good-byes! But, I hugged him REAL hard, told him to be safe and left. We're hoping to see him again before he deploys sometime this fall.
Kevin, Sara and their "kids"
Tomorrow we're taking a day trip to Kansas City, MO to visit with one of Randy's cousins. We haven't seen Joyce and her family in several years. It will be good to get caught up.
And just for fun, here's a picture of Lindsay & Reagan at a Mother's Day Brunch at Reagan's school. Reagan made that hat for Lins! :)
That's a great picture of the 4 of you!