Sunday was a wonderful, lazy, do nothing day. Randy & I should have gone to church and that was the plan, but it just didn't happen. So, the four of us (with Kev & Sara) just hung out at the RV and relaxed. It had been nonstop running since Kev & Sara arrived, so this was a nice respite. We topped the day off with a trip to Bruster's for some ice cream. Yum.
On Monday, Kev & Sara went to Columbia to spend a couple of days with her folks and to see some friends in the area. The RV seemed to double in size once they and the dogs had left! :)
We had a birthday celebration in Columbia as well Monday evening. One of our "adopted" granddaughters, Kelly, had turned 11 July 2 and her family had invited us down for dinner and b'day cake. Kevin & Sara came as well. I cannot believe Kelly is 11 - it seems like yesterday she was an infant in her car seat at my desk. See, Kelly is the daughter of one of my coworkers at Grace Community Church. Amita, her mom, would bring Kelly in to work with her and I would entertain her while Amita worked. Kelly is the one who named me "Nana." She will always be very special to me.
Yesterday Randy and I had a doctor appointment for blood pressure checks. Since we're on meds for high blood pressure, our doc likes to see us every few months to ensure everything's okay. And it is - Randy's even lost 10 pounds in the last six months! UGH! And he doesn't even exercise.
So, what do you do after a doctor's appointment? Why, go out to breakfast, of course! :) We wanted to share our favorite diner with Kev & Sara. And they weren't disappointed. After breakfast we did a bit of shopping at WalMart, then headed home.
Wednesday ended with a dinner at Red Lobster for the whole family. Since Lins & family were leaving today for a weekend at the beach, this was the last time they would see Kev & Sara before they leave. And, of course, the last time they'd see Kev before he deploys at the end of August. Thankfully, that still seems so surreal that our dinner wasn't hampered by sadness. We all enjoyed our meal and each other.
The rest of today has been filled with hanging around the RV, walking dogs, stepping over dogs, letting dogs out on leads, feeding dogs, and watching TV. :)
And now you are up-to-date on the adventures of the Guiler Clan. :) We'll spend the weekend spending more time with Kevin & Sara. They leave Monday morning, so we gotta get time in while we can.
Until the next time . . .
I want a picture of you and the four dogs! If you hadn't told me I would never have believed it possible!