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Sunday, July 26, 2009
A Stay at Home Weekend
What a nice weekend we had. We went nowhere, never left the park except for church this morning.
Friday night we cooked hot dogs and polish sausages on the grill and Barry & Penny came over for dinner. We were glad to do something for them since they are SO good to us by watching Blackie whenever we asked. It was a good evening, lots of laughter and just getting to know each other better.
Barry & Penny
Yesterday was "Christmas in July" here at the park. Folks are encouraged to decorate their sites, golf carts, and whatever else they'd like. There are prizes for the best "dressed" sites. It's fun to go around after dark and see how creative people can be. Before that, though, is Christmas dinner; a potluck meal at which the park provides ham and turkey and everyone else brings a dish to share. As usual at these functions, the food was good and plentiful, but the desserts were GREAT! :)
It's getting crowded
Dessert, anyone?
Santa and Mrs. Claus arrive after dinner and hand out presents. Folks bring presents if they want to participate in the gift-giving. Women bring presents for women; and men for men; and children for children. Of course the children are in awe of Santa - they don't care that's July!
Today we went to church and heard a good message on mending broken relationships. The pastor used the movie, "Fireproof," as a reference. I am really enjoying Pastor Ed and his messages. It's nice to be attending a church that has vibrant worship and good teaching.
On the way home from church we had to stop by WalMart and drop off prescriptions that need refilling as well as pick up some Gatorade for Randy. He's got to prep the rest of today for his colonoscopy tomorrow. Isn't he the lucky one? :) The rest of today has been quiet; spent in front of the TV, napping, and playing on the computer.
We've had some rainstorms off and on today with more to come this week, I understand. Oh, well. Can't appreciate the sunshine without a little rain, right?
I didn't know you could drink Gatorade to prep for a colonoscopy. Thought it was water, broth and jello.