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Sunday, February 08, 2009
Rockport, Texas
We arrived at Big D RV Resort about 10:30 this morning. Just a short three hour trip - very nice. Staying at the WalMart last night was no big deal and it is great to save a few bucks when we're just spending the night and moving on. Here's our spot:
When we got to the campground, the office was closed because it's Sunday. However, one of the workampers was just driving out and saw us, so he stopped. He led us to our site and we proceeded to try to park. UGH! This was one of the toughest parking jobs we've ever had. Usually I guide Randy into the sites, but the workamper did it. Randy had a heck of a time getting the rig into the site, but he finally did. It's so hard sometimes to park the rig because it's pretty good sized, but inevitably when you are having a tough time, you draw an audience which just makes it worse. Oh, well. We're in and settled. Whew!
While we were setting up, Deb & Rod stopped by. I've been following their blog, Keeping up with the Kendalls forever and knew they were staying here, too. It is so fun to meet the folks whose blogs I follow. :) Deb, Rod & I took a walk around the park as they were on their morning walk and Blackie needed a walk. We made plans to drive together to dinner. We were meeting Mark & Dortha and Jim & Ellie at the local seafood restaurant, The Big Fisherman. Randy & I had met Mark & Dortha and Jim & Ellie back in November when they stayed at the Plantation for a few days.
Randy and I finished setting up the rig. Then I went to the laundry room to get the laundry done for the week. After that chore was finished, we just relaxed for a couple of hours before it was time to get ready to go to dinner. I couldn't wait to see Mark & Dortha and Jim & Ellie! It's funny how you just click with some folks. We had a great time at dinner and made plans to go into Mexico on Wednesday. That should be interesting. :)
Guys: L to R: Randy, Rod, Jim & Mark; Gals: Front to back: Deb, Ellie & DorthaTomorrow's going to be a "down" day. Randy & I have been going nonstop since we left Alabama last Sunday. Gosh, it seems so much longer than just a week! We've crammed so much into that week. I'm ready to take a day and do nothing. I do plan to go to Curves and Randy wants to go with me so we can ride around town and see some of the area. Who knows what we'll find? I'll let you know!
What a GREAT time we had last night! I can't wait for some more time with you two. Tuesdays are lunch special days at Big Fisherman, in case you didn't know. :)
What a GREAT time we had last night! I can't wait for some more time with you two. Tuesdays are lunch special days at Big Fisherman, in case you didn't know. :)