Yesterday I did get up and out by 6:45am to do the laundry. Was back home a little past 8am and then it was time to get ready to go to the dulcimer gig.
The gig was with Jubilee Pickers and was held at First Presbyterian Church of Gulf Shores. Each year this church has a BBQ fundraiser for the Sheriff's Boys Ranch located right here in Summerdale. As stated on their website "The mission of the Alabama Sheriffs' Youth Ranches is to provide Christian, family-style residential homes for Alabama's needy, neglected, or abused, school-age children in an atmosphere where they may grow spiritually and physically into productive, responsible, and happy adults." The Pickers were proud to help this very worthy cause by providing background music as folks came through. We even got lunch!
I got home about 2pm and the rest of the afternoon, well, really the weekend, was spent vegging out in our recliners. We played on the computers, read a bit (me), and watched a LOT of TV. We're still working on watching all the shows we'd DVR'd while we were gone.
The weather turned really ugly late yesterday and continued through today. It was raining so hard we didn't even go to church - I know, heathens! There were times the wind was blowing so hard the RV literally shook. So, we just continued our inertia (is that the proper use of that word??) and stayed glued to the DVR and the computers.
This is what it's looked out the windows like all day!
Tomorrow I'm going to Curves - no matter what! I have GOT to get back to a routine, even if it kills me! :)
Until the next time . . .
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