Not much happened yesterday anyway. We did take another drive out to the state park that is close to Fort Riley, but the office was closed again. We drove through the park and got a glimpse of the campground we'd like to stay in, but the gate was closed on that, too. From what we could see it does look nice, so I'll have to contact them to get info such as rates, length of stay, etc. From there, we did a few errands and made the obligatory stop at WalMart. Then it was back home.
The rest of the day was spent pretty much as we had been all week - computer time, movies, reading, cross stitching. We had pizza for dinner. Exciting, huh? ;)
I did two loads of laundry so we'd have fresh, clean clothes when we got to Lindsay's. Randy packed a bunch of stuff into the truck to make our exit this morning easier. And that was it for the night.
This morning we got on the road about 7:30 under cold, but dry skies, after much hugging and squeezing of the kids. I am proud of myself - I didn't cry at all. I think that's probably because I know we're coming back in May!
The rest of this day has been all about rain and I-70 East. That's it. As I type this, we are in Illinois, just 50 miles from the state border of Indiana. And it's dark and rainy! Randy is amazing in this weather. He just stays the course, steady as always.
We'll be stopping in Terre Haute, IN for fuel. Then it will be back on the road. Randy really wants to get past Columbus, OH before stopping for the night. Doesn't matter to me - he's driving.
Here's a picture of what our day has looked like - ALL day.
Until the next time . . .
We are so glad to hear you had a great time in Kansas. It's okay to cry, I do it everytime we leave home if the kids are within my sight. Safe travels on to Lindsay's for round two. Looks like that nasty weather was everywhere today.