Pat and I went to JamNFolks in the morning. We are rehearsing for a Christmas program at the Nix Center on Thursday afternoon. Apparently, we are replacing a much-loved group that has performed there in years past, so this is a big deal. Our leader, Mary Anne, is very excited about it and really wants us to shine. We've got a great program planned, mostly Christmas music, but we've thrown in a few mountain music pieces as well. I'm sure we'll have a great time.
From rehearsal, Pat & I went to library. I had to return some books and pick up a couple more. Pat was able to get her library card and she picked up a couple of books, too. Then, it was on to WalMart. Pat needed to pick up a toy for the concert later.
Back home, Pat and I went our separate ways, knowing we'd be seeing each other in just a few hours. Don't know what Pat did, but I just vegged in front of the TV and napped a bit. :)
Then, about 6pm, the four of us, Dick, Pat, Randy & I, went to Randy's last Baldwin Pops Christmas concert. Randy had to be there by 6:30, so we figured we'd just go along and hang out until the concert started at 7pm. Boy! I sure am glad we did. We got there at 6:20 and there was a line out the door of people waiting to get in!! We couldn't believe it. It was not like that last year. By 6:40 or so the place was packed - so much so, they had to turn people away. Isn't that cool? :) We had lots of friends from the park came, too, which was nice.
The concert was fabulous. Very Christmas-y and upbeat. In addition to the band, the choir from Faulkner State Community College performed. All of the music was great and the young people in the choir were so much fun. Santa even made an appearance! We had a great evening.
We also went to Michael's as I needed to get a frame or hoop for an additional cross stitch project I'd completed. We found the perfect thing and came home. After Randy frames that project, we are DONE with Christmas prep. Thank goodness! I do not enjoy this part of the season, I'll be honest. I would be just as happy to do away with presents and just enjoy family and Jesus. But, you know how THAT would go over! :) So, we continue . . .
Tonight Pat is cooking dinner for the four of us. How nice is that? I'm looking forward to it, I'll tell ya. And, that's about it from the Guilers. Hope you're having a good week.
Until the next time . . .
The Christmas program looked great. Sounds like yo guys are getting into the spirit of things and having fun.