We have continued to be pretty laid back. Yesterday I did get up and get out to Curves. I had only gone once last week - and I sure could feel it. :)
Lindsay was feeling a bit of cabin fever so we went shopping. She wanted to go to Kohl's and I wanted to go to Michael's to pick up some thread for a craft we had gotten Reagan. Randy rode along with us girls. After shopping, we grabbed some lunch.
After lunch we dropped Randy off at home so he could go to an eye doctor's appointment. He's had a stye in his right eye for about a month now and it is affecting his sight in that eye. Thankfully, the doctor said there was no damage to the eye, the stye was just rubbing the cornea and once it's gone, his sight will be fine. The doc gave Randy an antibiotic, so hopefully he'll be feeling better soon.
While Randy was at the doctor's, we girls went to the grocery. With two extra people in the house, poor Lins needed to stock her pantry! :) Once that chore was done, it was back home for a couple of hours before Reagan needed to go to her gymnastics class. I went to keep Lins company. Reagan's class is in an enclosed room, so I wouldn't be able to see her. BUT! We got lucky - for some reason, the teacher brought the class out into the "big gym" for a few minutes to work in one area. So, I was able to grab a picture.
The "big gym"
Jason has been working on the fourth bedroom that has been used as an office into a craft room for Lindsay. Up to now, Lins' crafting/scrapbooking has been set up in the basement. But, Jason thought she should have her own space and he has done a wonderful job of creating a cozy area for Lins to work in. Today was moving day; Randy & Jason moved a couple of pieces of furniture from the basement upstairs, then Lins began her part in the process - moving all of her craft supplies. She is tickled with the room.
Now it's time to settle in for the night. Just another day in the life . . .
Cara loved the gymnastics pics!!!