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Thursday, November 04, 2010

Hunkering Down for the Cold Weather

Before I share with you our exciting day (can you hear the saracasm???), I need to say one thing:

Happy birthday, Daddy!! My dad celebrates his 82nd birthday today. I am grateful to be his daughter and to have had his wisdom to guide me over the years.

Our morning started about 5:30 this morning as we woke to rain.. Both of us were wide awake and not quite sure why. But, I cannot stand to lay in bed and try to go back to sleep. If I'm awake, I'm awake. Of course, that's easy to say when you're retired – you can always take a nap later in the day! :)

We spent a leisurely morning watching the news and catching up on our various computer blogs and magazines. About 9am we decided to go to Camping World. We've had a $100 gift card since early this year and we've not been near a Camping World to use it. But there's one here in Knoxville and Randy discovered we needed a new adjustable water regulator, so that was a good excuse to take a trip to the store.

Randy found the water regulator he wanted and we picked up a few other items and got out the door having to add only $1.92 to the gift card. Not bad. :)

By the time we got home, the sun was peeking out from behind the clouds and the weather turned a bit brighter.

We spent the afternoon as expected, napping in our recliners while watching TV. :)

The weather is expected to get very chilly over the next few days, so we're going to turn on the electric heater, put on some warm sweats, and just hunker inside 'til it warms up a bit. And it's so nice we can do that, isn't it? :)

Until the next time . . .


  1. It always feels good to do nothing when the mood hits. Enjoy the quiet time.

  2. Is it bad that at not even 33 years old yet I am so jealous of you! I mean, THAT is how I want to live my life!

  3. We never get out of Camping World for under $100.00. There is always something you can't live without. Right now we are talking ourselves into the cute little electric fireplace.
