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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Better Living thru Chemistry :)

After having a nasty coughing spell last night, I decided I should go to Urgent Care to see just what this creepin' crud is that I've been fighting (and losing!).

So, after doing the bare minimum this morning to get out the door – walking Blackie, having a cup of coffee and checking FB and the blogs – Randy and I headed here

Urgent Care, Greenville NC

to wait to be seen. Thankfully, we got there when they opened so there really wasn't a wait at all.

After a very thorough, five minute exam, the doctor said she'd give me a prescription for an antibiotic and left the room. Guess my articulate description of my symptoms so impressed her that she needed no further information. That's okay. I got what I wanted.

Conveniently located across the street is


where I dropped off the prescription so it could be filled. Then Randy and I walked across the parking lot to

Good place to wait for a prescription!

so we could grab some breakfast while we waited for my prescription to be ready.

Wasn't it nice of the town of Greenville to place these establishments so close together? :)

Once we were done with our very nutritious breakfast, we picked up my prescription and went home. On the way we checked out some of the neighborhoods. We can't get over how affordable housing is here! Of course, coming from the Washington-Baltimore area, anything is affordable comparatively. But, really. You can get a very nice three bedroom home for less than $120K. I don't think you can buy anything for that back home.

The rest of the day has been spent as usual; TV, computer and napping. Although we did have a thunderstorm this afternoon which added some excitement to the day. One of Dan & Debbie's dogs, Jack, is scared to death of thunderstorms. He is a Katrina rescue dog and has never recovered from the trauma of being caught in Hurricane Katrina. The poor little guy huddles next to you and shakes until the storm passes.

We're settled in for the night. I'm hoping the drugs kick in fairly quickly 'cause I sure don't like this cough. It hurts! Yeah, yeah. Poor me. :)

Tomorrow is gonna be fun. We found out that some RVing friends live in the area and we're going to meet them for lunch. For our Plantation family, it's Larry & Babs. They live just west of Winterville and contacted us when they found out we were here. Can't wait to catch up with them. I'll be sure to get a picture to share!

Until the next time . . .


  1. Hope Terry gets to feeling better soon now that she is armed with drugs! Say hi to Larry and Babs from Mike & Peggy. Tell 'em there is space for another rig in Maine!

  2. Hope you feel better soon!! Tell Larry and Babs "hi" for us!!

    Mike & Gerri (happytrails)

  3. Are you feeling better? Drugs are the best.
