Later, I spent the remainder of the morning with Lins & Reagan going to a couple of places where Reagan is a member of the birthday club. The first stop was Toys R Us. This birthday club gives the child a $3 coupon toward a purchase. Reagan also got a Geoffrey balloon and a crown. She picked a collection of fairy figurines as her purchase. We then went to the local mall to collect Reagan's birthday surprise there. Guest Services has a goodie bag prepared for kids when they come to collect. She got another balloon, too. So, Reagan made out pretty darn good on the day before her birthday!
After a quick lunch with the kids at Subway, I went home to get ready for Lee & Cheri to come this evening for dinner. Randy had been home all morning trying to get the rest of the rig washed even though it kept either raining or threatening rain all morning. By the time I got home, though, it was pouring and he had to stop. He was pretty bummed 'cause he had just a little bit left to do.
The afternoon was just lazy as we didn't have a lot to do to get ready for dinner. The menu was simple; steaks on the grill, salad, and green beans. So, we watched some TV and then, around 4:00 the rain stopped so Randy got back outside to finish washing the rig. He was a happy guy!
Lee & Cheri came over about 7pm. I was very excited that they were finally coming!! We have been living in the RV for four years and this is the first time they've seen it. As usual, we had a great evening together. Randy did a good job on the steaks and after dinner, we sat and talked the evening away. We are so grateful for their friendship.
Tomorrow promises to be a HUGE day. It's Reagan's 3rd birthday and we are celebrating it with a party. Lindsay always does such a wonderful job when she entertains. She is so creative and this year the theme for Reagan's party is a garden party, complete with flowers, butterflies, and dirt cake! I can't wait to see what she's done.
And, of course, it will be good-bye until Christmas for most of us. We'll see Lins & family in mid-October when we meet them in Disney World. It's always hard to say good-bye.
Until the next time . . .
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