We are here for the first Eastern Gypsy Journal Rally. This rally is hosted by Nick & Terry Russell, publishers of the Gypsy Journal newspaper.
Randy has subscribed to this paper for several years now and really enjoys it. Nick writes about their travels across the USA. He has a great wit about him and it is reflected in his writing. The rally's purpose is to allow RVers to mingle, share stories and become more educated in the various aspects of RVing. Many of us are full-timers, but there are others who are not. All of us can learn from each other and the instructors here. We are looking forward to a fun-filled three days.
After setting up the rig, we went over to registration to get our name tags and schedules. We also signed up for the pizza party later this week. The first session began at 2pm and it was announcements and the introduction of the vendors and instructors. The next session we were going to attend wasn't until 4pm, so we went back to the rig to finish setting up the dish.
Our set up
The plan was to meet Darrell & Judy back at the session at 4pm and then go to dinner afterward. Well, once we got back to the building where the session was to be held, we all decided we were hungry now, so we'd skip the session. It was just a RVing Q&A with a panel, so we figured we wouldn't miss much - and our stomachs were talking so loudly we probably wouldn't have been able to hear anything anyway!! :)
We hopped into Darrell & Judy's truck and set off for town to go to the Mexican restaurant we'd seen on the way in. I also wanted to find the Curves so I'd know where to go in the morning. On the way to the restaurant we didn't find the Curves, but we'd look again on the way back. Dinner was okay; I've had better Mexican food, but it was still good. And, of course, the company was even better. Darrell & Judy are the kind of friends where we can talk and laugh or just be quiet together and it's all okay. Those are the best kind of friends!
After dinner, we went up to WalMart (can't go anywhere without a stop at the local WalMart!) to pick up a few jugs of water. The set up here is electric only so we have to conserve our fresh water. Our tank is full, but we need to use that for showers, so we buy water to use for making coffee, tea brushing teeth, etc. I also needed to pick up some stuff to make salads.
On the way home we drove down the street Curves is supposed to be on and this time we found it. No sign outside except for the writing on the window. But now I know where to go! No excuses! It's even close enough for me to walk to! I'm gonna be getting my exercise this week. :)
The day ended with a door prize session. I couldn't believe how many door prizes that were given out! And this is just the first night - there are door prizes each night of the rally, not a bad deal. Unfortunately, our number wasn't picked, but we've got a couple more nights. Darrell & Judy won a $10 gift certificate to a local pizza parlor.
Clouds were rolling in this evening
Tomorrow promises to be a full day. Lots of sessions to choose from and vendors to patronize. We've already made an appointment to have our rig weighed. We've never done that, so it's good to have it done. That will be Friday as we are leaving.
That's about it for today. Hope your week is off to a good start. Until the next time . . .
Keep an eye out for Bob and Molly from RV Dreams Rally and say hi from Jenny J.