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Friday, August 28, 2009

Lazy, Rainy Day

What a change in weather!! When I opened my eyes this morning, I couldn't believe it was going on 8am!! I thought for sure the clock was wrong 'cause it was so dark outside. Then, I heard the rain hitting the roof and realized why it was so dark AND why I slept so late. :)

So, blaming the rain and being lazy, I blew off going to Curves this morning. I gotta get back into the routine on Monday. No more excuses. :) The rest of the morning was very laid back, too. Just reading blogs, watching morning news, etc.

This afternoon Randy and I went to see the latest Harry Potter movie. We've been saying we were going to see it since it came and just hadn't gotten to the theater yet. Today was a perfect day to go. It was good, not my favorite HP movie, but still good.

After the movie we went to WalMart to pick up a few things to get us through the rest of the month. Then, it was back home.

The rain is still coming down and it's almost chilly. Weird to say THAT in August. :) And that's about it for the day. Tomorrow we're going to a cookout at an old friend's house. Larry & Denise are having a bunch of us from Grace Community Church over - folks who worked together in the offices years ago. Should be fun.

Until the next time . . .

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