Yesterday started with my workout at Curves and then it was on to Lindsay's to do the laundry. I was also on Reagan duty 'cause Lins was out for the day. Of course, being with Reagan is NEVER a chore, so that was fun.
Reagan is a kid on the go - she never stops, always ready to find something new to do. And she doesn't always look to an adult to figure out what to do next. Her imagination amazes me. One of the games we played yesterday was "Scooby Doo." And ALL of the members of Mystery, Inc. were there - Reagan was Velma, and I was Daphne; but Scooby, Shaggy & Fred were there, too. They had to have been because "Velma" kept talking to them and giving them direction on how to solve the mystery! :) It was great.
Then, last night I had the privilege of going out to dinner with five fabulous women. Amy, Erin, Jen, Mary & Meghan are young women with whom I served in Youth Ministry at Grace Community Church. Four of them were high school students at the time and Amy was a leader. In the last year or so I've reconnected with them via Facebook and our friendships took off again.
It was wonderful to sit across the table from them and catch up with them face-to-face. Their lives have changed so much in the last five years - Mary & Jen got married and also have babies; Amy has babies and Erin & Meghan are working full-time in their chosen fields. All five of them have "grown up" into women I am thrilled ot call my friends.
L to R: Erin (holding Jen's son), Mary (with Rex in carrier), me, Meghan, Jen & Amy
Thanks, girls, for a GREAT night!
This morning was very busy and started very early. Randy had to have some fasting lab work done, so we wanted to get there when the lab opened. So, we were out of the house by 6:40 this morning! It always amazes me how you can be #8 in line at a lab when you are there five minutes before it opens! Oh, well. The wait wasn't bad and we were out of there before 7:30.
Of course, the next stop was breakfast. :) We went to Shiloh Restaurant which is just down the street from our eye doctor. Convenient since we also had appointments with him this morning! Had a great breakfast, very relaxing because we had more than an hour before we needed to be at the doctor's office.
Randy came out of the eye doctor's no worse for wear - eyes hadn't changed, so no new glasses needed. I did okay, my eyes hadn't changed, but the pressure in them was up. I've had issues with that for years. I gotta go back in 10 days for another pressure check to determine whether more testing is needed to rule out glaucoma. Always something! And even though my eyes hadn't changed, I did order new glasses; my current ones had broken and Randy had fixed them enough to get by. I also just wanted some new ones; I haven't had new glasses in at least four years! I really like the new ones. Very cool. :)
After the doctor's visit, we stopped by Lindsay's to pick up our mail. Then it was on to the local RV parts store to pick up a seal for the toilet that Randy had ordered. From there, we finally got to come home! Felt like we'd been gone forEVER.
Once home, I parked myself outside in the screen room with the computer and just enjoyed the weather while I did my computer reading that I usually do in the mornings. Randy was in his usual position in front of the TV. :) We are such creatures of habit! I also visited with our neighbor, Penny. She and Barry are up for the next week. We're looking forward to playing with them.
Tomorrow we're going back to Long's Park to an arts & crafts festive being held this weekend. Barry & Penny are going with us. Tomorrow night, we're meeting David & Beth for dinner. We haven't seen them all summer! Really looking forward to catching up with them. It's always a good time.
Enjoy your holiday weekend. Until the next time . . .
YES!! I finally made a restaurant pic!