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Friday, March 05, 2010
A River Cruise
We had no plans for today, really. After going to Curves this morning, I was looking forward to getting a mani/pedi and then sitting outside in the warm sunshine, reading and doing Bible study. Well, plans change and since we really had none to speak of, that was okay.
I did get to Curves and while I was getting my shower, Dick came by to ask us to go on a cruise along Fish River. To tell the truth, I really wasn't in the mood to be social 'cause I felt like I'd reached my "people limit" for the week. But, Randy wanted to go so I got myself ready and off we went.
Boy, was I glad we did!! I was so relaxed by the time we got back, it was wonderful. Gliding along the water is just so peace-inducing, I can't really find words to describe it.
Our "cruise ship" was actually a fishing flat-bottomed boat that one of the campers in the park owns. He has been taking folks on these cruises the past couple of years to help fund different needs of the park. This year the proceeds go toward the purchase of a floor buffer. He charges just $10/person and the cruise lasts more than two hours! Not a bad deal at all. I call it a redneck cruise because our seats were four camp chairs, but we were comfortable!
The "cruise ship"
Our guide
Pat & Randy enjoying the ride
And Dick is, too
There are lots of very nice homes along the river as well as some not-as-nice ones. :) We were amazed to find out the prices can run into the multi-millions!
What $2.5 million will buy - kinda crazy!
Because this winter has been a record-setting cold one, much of the wildlife that would usually be seen along the river wasn't there. But, we did get to see a few great blue heron, cormorants, pelicans (my favorite!) and various ducks. Most of all, we got to enjoy the lulling current of the water, the beautiful blue sky and the serenity of being on the water. It was chilly, but worth every minute.
All four of us were hungry when we got back to the dock, so Pat suggested a Big Daddy's visit. Well, she didn't have to twist our arms, I'll tell you that! :) I even deviated from my normal blackened shrimp to try the Big Daddy burger that Randy always gets. It was good, but not as good as the shrimp, so I'll be sticking with that from now on.
Back home, I did get to sit outside for awhile and worked on my Bible study lesson. The sun was just so nice and warm. Once the wind picked up a little, I came inside to settle into my recliner. Randy went to his psaltery group and I caught up on some shows I'd DVR'd.
Tonight is more of the same. No dinner necessary 'cause both Randy & I were still full from lunch. So, we're just enjoying life. Hope you are, too!
Thanks for the cruise! Great pics! I bet it is very relaxing. Mike wanted to take that boat trip while we were there but the weather just wouldn't cooperate. Glad you all got to go. Maybe we can make it next time. :)
Thanks for the cruise! Great pics! I bet it is very relaxing. Mike wanted to take that boat trip while we were there but the weather just wouldn't cooperate. Glad you all got to go. Maybe we can make it next time. :)
It's posts like this that make me jealous for retirement. Seriously! What a life :-)