I started the day with a good workout at Curves. Got home and got ready to go out for the morning. We went to the Coffee Shop in Foley and had a good breakfast. It always helps to start the day fortified! :)
After breakfast we headed off to the bank. This is a trip in itself because we have to go to Pensacola, Florida to go to a branch of Bank of America. Yes, that's right - Bank of AMERICA doesn't have ONE branch in Alabama. So the closest branch for us is in Pensacola which is a good 45 minute trip one way. That's okay, we're retired - what else do we have to do?? Once we got our banking completed, we headed back to Alabama.
The trip to WalMart was for a few groceries, prescriptions, and . . . A NEW TV!! Yes, the Guilers have entered the 21st century and now are the proud owners of a 32" LCD flat screen TV. It's pretty cool. And it just fits into the entertainment center in the living room. I think Randy's happy with his new toy. ;)
We also spent sometime with neighbors over at the campfire this afternoon. One of the guys, Ron, had broken his arm earlier this winter and finally got the cast off this week. In honor of that, he held a sling-burning ceremony. He couldn't burn the cast because it was so nasty when he got it off, he just threw it away at the doc's office! :) Anyway, Ron and his wife, Connie, really did up a big deal - they had food and everything. They said it was to thank all of their friends for helping them out during the last several weeks. Isn't that nice? That's the RVing family for ya.
Of course, before I end this post, I have to share pictures of our new grandnephew, CJ. He's a cute little guy - reminds of an elf! Don't his parents look proud? We're so glad to have you in the family, CJ!
Until the next time . . .
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