About 1:30 this afternoon the wind whipped up, thunder and lightning came and then the rains poured down for about an hour or so. Then, the sun came out and it was rather pleasant.
At 4:30 we headed up to the party. I couldn't believe all the folks who were already there, set up and ready to party. Lots of people had set up tarps with their chairs and tables underneath. We found some space for our chairs near a few people we knew and started one of our favorite past times - people watching. There's just nothing like watching people, we just love it! :)
Dinner was announced about 5pm and we all lined up to fill our bellies. The campground provided drinks, pit beef and ham as well as paper goods. The rest of us brought a covered dish. The food tent had two rows of tables with more food than should be allowed. Oh, my goodness, there was lots of food. Of course, we gorged ourselves and, just as we were finishing, the rains came again.
The thunder and lightning announced the rain before it hit. But then it poured!! We even got a little hail thrown in. The rain would lessen a bit and we'd figure it was over, but then it came back with a vengeance. Finally, after hanging around for awhile and not being able to sit anywhere because our chairs were soaked, we decided to pack it in and come home. It seemed the rain was going to hang around for awhile.
The rain finally did stop about 7:30, 8:00, but we had already settled in for the night, so we didn't go back up to the party. We can hear that it's going on, though, 'cause the band is playing. Oh, well. We did get a good meal out of it, at least.
Here's a few pictures before
and after the rains.
Tomorrow we're going to spend the day with Lee & Cheri after church. I'm excited because they've been away and I've missed them. It will be good to catch up. They've had a busy couple of weeks and I want to hear all about their adventures. Cheri even became an aunt while she was gone!
Hope you're having a good weekend. Until the next time . . .
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