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Friday, August 29, 2008

Spending Time with My Folks

Well, I guess I need to apologize for not posting an entry yesterday! :) Our oldest daughter, Ginny, reprimanded me in the Shout Box!! Sorry, Gin, didn't meant to leave you hangin'! I'll try to do better.

Yesterday was not very exciting, so I thought I wouldn't waste anyone's time with the usual. But, my public (child) demands it so, here you go. The day started with a half hour at Curves, then home for the rest of the day. We did have a cup of coffee at Barry & Penny's, but then it was back to the RV to get ready to go away for the weekend.

Now, for those of you who do not full-time RV, you can't understand what a chore it is to pack to go away. You see, we full-timers NEVER need to pack because everything is always with us! :) So, when the occasional, out-of-the-RV, trip does come up, we literally have to stop and think about what we have to do. Then, it feels like we're taking all of our possessions when we go.

Anyway, we got packed up; I updated the finances so that on the 2nd I could go to the bank and we headed out to Lindsay's about 4:30pm. We babysat Reagan for the evening while Lins & Jason went to Reagan's preschool orientation. Once they got home and we chatted a bit, we took off for my folks' place on the Eastern Shore of MD. Because of some major construction going on at the Bay Bridge, and it's a holiday weekend, we decided to go down late last night (about 9pm). We got there about 1am this morning. Whew. Not used to that!

Today has been spent catching up with my folks. Although they were at Kev's wedding and we saw them again a couple of weeks ago at Megan's wedding, we really have spent much time with them since the first of July. So, today's been good. Other than that, got the laundry done and that's about it. Just another day in the life . . . and what a good life it is. :)

Not sure what the weekend will bring. We'll be at my folks' until Tuesday. I'm sure it'll be crazy here as it's the official end of summer and people love to spend it at the beach. Hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend. Stay safe.

Oh, and just because I didn't post any other pictures. Here's one of Reagan that makes me laugh. Our little drama queen . . .

Until the next time . . .

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, we have a little three year old drama queen too.

