Remember a couple of weeks ago we went to Strasburg and rode the train, but didn't get to the museum? Well, that's what we did today. The museum is actually called the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania, not the Strasburg RR Museum, like I thought. It is filled with all different types of locomotive engines, passenger cars, cabooses, etc. The museum is over 100,000 square feet of trains.
Although this is not my thing, Randy really enjoyed walking through the exhibits and reading the various info on each of the trains. I did get lots of pictures, a few of which I've posted here. The rest on our our Webshots site. You can get there by clicking the link entitled "Guiler Pictures" at the left of this page. You couldn't get on most of the trains, but there were several that allowed you to look through plexiglass at the inside and a couple that you could actually climb inside.
One of the exhibits I liked best wasn't even a train. It was a piece of the Broad Street Station that was located in Philadelphia. It is a medallion sculpture that was part of the building and dates from 1881. It is just one of the few surviving pieces of this historic building. I think it is so cool when history is preserved in some way.
There were also several horse-drawn carriages throughout the museum - even a hearse from 1889! Situated along the platforms were benches and baggage carts, just as if folks were getting ready to board the trains.
The Hearse
A milk carriage
Tomorrow's laundry day! Yippee! The best part about laundry day is that we are at Lindsay's so we get to play with Reagan! I've only seen her for a couple of minutes since Saturday!! I'm beginning withdrawal symptoms. :) And tomorrow evening, I'm horning in on, er, I mean, joining Lindsay at dinner with a friend of hers from high school, Lacenda. We saw Lacenda last year when we were here, too. She is a wonderful young woman and we always enjoyed it when she would hang out at our house when the girls were in high school. I love that Lins has maintained friendships with her buddies from school.
That's it for now. Take care of yourselves and each other. Until the next time . . .
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