We didn't make it to Curves Monday morning! And that was one of the reasons we spent the night at Lindsay's! Randy was supposed to watch Reagan while we were at Curves 'cause Jason's out of town. But, Lins was beat from her weekend away and suggested we bag Curves and just get out the door early and get some breakfast on our way to the Strasburg Railroad. So, that's what we did.
Strasburg, PA is a quaint little town that was established in 1733 and I would love to go back and walk its streets and take some pictures of the beautiful old homes in the area. But, the day was all about the trains. The plan was to ride one of the trains and then explore the museum. Well, the museum didn't happen 'cause we were pushing Reagan's tolerance by the time we were done with our train ride. :)
The railroad station has a store, a water tower, a cafe, a photo emporium (you can get pics taken in period costumes), and a couple of children's rides. We got there just before noon which was perfect because a train was just coming into the station. We bought our tickets for an open air car and boarded the train. The train cars and engines are authentic from the era and have been refurbished as needed. The engine that was pulling our train was 110 years old.
The ride was a 45 minute trip and we were so glad we had picked an open air car. While the weather was very warm, there was a great breeze through the car as we sped along. We passed some beautiful farmland as well as a couple of very small towns. The fun was in the ride itself, watching Reagan's face as the engineer blew the train whistle. It's so wonderful to experience life through the view of a child - an innocent joy we tend to lose as we age.
After our train ride, Reagan took a turn around the tracks on the "Cranky Cars." :) Boy, she was working those arm muscles!!
Our next stop was an ice cream parlor in town. We needed some nourishment! Randy & I were still full from breakfast, but Reagan and Lins wanted some lunch. However, we did manage to get some ice cream in us, too. :) The parlor was located in a country store and attached to the town's bed and breakfast. This is just one of those beautiful homes I was talking about!
Once we got home, it was decided that since we were going to the movies with Reagan in the morning, we'd just spend the night again. Yes, we are those annoying guests who just won't leave. :) Actually, Lins thought it was a good idea, too. Randy was going to be needed in the morning to watch Reagan while we went to Curves (we were going, no matter what!!), so we'd have to be back at the house early, so it just made sense.
After dinner, we vegged, watched some TV, and after Reagan went to bed, Lins & I watched a movie. It was "Mad Money" with Diane Keaton, Queen Latifah, and Katie Holmes. It was kinda cute, but I'm glad I didn't pay the $8 or $9 movie admission. The best part was being with Lindsay. I love being with her - I'm so glad she's my daughter!
Tuesday dawned and, yes, we went to Curves. (Told you we would!!) Once back home we shifted into fast gear so that we both could get our showers and get back out the door for the 10am showing at the movies. We had to get there rather early because the theater fills quickly.
This local theater does the coolest thing - they show kid/family-friendly movies once a week during the summer and the admission is FREE!! Yep, you read that right - FREE. Isn't that amazing. And everyone is free, not just the kids. Today we saw "Clifford's Really BIG Movie." I was very impressed with the audience. I figured a theater full of little kids and their parents would be pandemonium. It wasn't, really. Yes, there were a few criers, but for the most part, the kids were quiet and watched the movie. Next week is "Veggie Tales." I can't wait!
After the movie we hit Target so Lins could get her fix. She loves her Target!! :) Once the damage was done there, we went to Quizno's for subs and then headed home. It was good to be home. While we are very comfortable at Lindsay's and she is so gracious, it's always nice to get back to our own place.
We did get some fun news this morning. Our son, Kevin, and his wife, Sara, have moved into their new (to them) home on base at Fort Riley, Kansas. I am so excited for them. It's their first home and their life together is just beginning. So many adventures lie ahead for them. I am so proud of their courage to be far away from family and friends. They have a great relationship and I pray that each day they grow stronger in it.
Well, that's it for the first part of this week. Not much planned for the rest of it. We'll see what happens. Until the next time . . .
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