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Thursday, July 03, 2008

Sitting All Day in a Hospital

Today started at 4:50am. Yes, that was 4:50 IN THE MORNING! The good news was that I woke up before the alarm went off, so Randy was able to continue sleeping undisturbed (brat!). The bad news was it was 4:50 IN THE MORNING!! Anyway, I dragged my bum out of bed and headed to the shower, hoping that the water would contain miracle crystals that would ease the back pain and turn me into Cheerful Chelsea. It didn't. :)

Promptly at 5:50am, Daddy, Mommy, and I left the house and headed to the hospital for Mommy's heart cath. Strange how the hospital makes you check in at 6:45am for an 8:30am procedure and then don't take you for that procedure until 10:00am. Gosh, what would happen if we kept a medical professional waiting like that? Hmmmmmmmm . . .

Anyway, we were told that the procedure would take about an hour to an hour and a half. So, Daddy and I went down to the cafeteria for a much needed cup of coffee (for me) and breakfast (for both of us). Back in the waiting room, the clock continued to tick and we continued to wait for the doctor to come out. Finally, around 1pm, the doctor came out with Mommy following in her bed. Mommy went off to get settled in her room and Daddy & I talked with the doc.

Bottom line, Mommy has two blockages, one of which the doc worked on for over an hour (thus the long wait) but could not unblock it. Apparently, the placque is in such a place that it prohibits insertion of a stent or angioplasty. So, that blockage will just remain as it is. Then, because of the length of time the doc took to work on the first vessel, he was unable to do anything with the second one at this time. You see, the dye that is used in the cath process cannot continue to run through the body for a long period of time without risking damage to the kidneys. And we sure don't need any other problems! That's why he stopped the procedure. A second cath has been scheduled for this coming Monday and it is hoped that this second blockage can be opened at that time. This blockage is in the diagonal branch and it is about 80 to 85%. That's up from 30% last October. After that, we'll see if Mommy's symptoms are alleviated.

Whew!! Did you catch all that? I sure hope so, I don't want to repeat it. :)

So, Randy & I will be spending the weekend with my folks. Mommy should come home from the hospital tomorrow morning sometime. We'll stay until Tuesday so that we're here for the procedure on Monday.

Thanks so much for praying. Please continue to do so, asking God to guide the doctor's hands and give him wisdom and skill beyond his human abilities. Also, pray for Daddy 'cause I know he is concerned. He is so great – never shows how concerned he is, but my folks share a very special love for one another and this is tough on him.

Have a great Fourth of July celebration everyone!! Take a minute and thank God for this great country and all those who have sacrificed to keep us free.

Until the next time. . . .

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