About 10am Russ & Pat came to pick us up. We were going to show them the Gulf Shores area, so we headed south toward the water. Our first stop was at the Mobile Ferry dock area. The road leading to the dock runs between Bon Secour Bay and the Gulf and on either side of the road are many gorgeous homes that sit out on the dunes overlooking the water. Also at the end of this road is Fort Morgan which played a major role in the Battle of Mobile Bay and was also used in the Spanish-American War and both world wars. We didn't tour the fort, just parked in the ferry parking lot and Pat and I took pictures of pelicans in the bay. :)
Our tummies were beginning to let us know it was past lunchtime, so it was off to Doc's for lunch. Doc's is in Orange Beach and is a well-known local seafood restaurant.
When we got there, the guys went one way and Pat and I went another. Pat found her sneakers and we went in search of some more "bargains. " :) There was a new bookstore so of course we had to go in it. I found three more Christmas presents! The Crocs store was next and Pat found a couple pair of flip flops she couldn't live without. After all, they were buy one, get one free - can't pass that up! From there we went to the Jockey store and I won't share all that Pat bought there.
BUT! Jennifer, ask your mom about those purchases!! :)
By now, it was almost 4pm and we figured it was time to get the guys and head for our last stop. When the guys picked us up, we saw that Russ had done a little shopping of his own at the Black & Decker store. :)
Our last stop? The ice cream parlor in Summerdale! I wish I'd taken a picture of the inside of the store 'cause it looked like an old-fashioned ice cream parlor; at least as best as it could.
Then, it was time to go home. We had a fantastic day, seeing familiar places through new eyes. I am so glad Russ and Pat like this area - maybe they'll come back!
Once we got home, we realized that our neighbors were gathered for a campfire. We hadn't seen them all week, so we wandered over for a bit. It was good to touch base with them! It is such a blessing to be surrounded by good friends and to have the comfort of being able to drop in on them. We are so rich in this way.
Until the next time . . .
That's a lot of shopping for a hater like yourself :-)