Yesterday started with me at Curves. I'm really trying to step up the exercise, much as I hate it. Typically the Curves workout is twice around the circuit. I've worked up to three time around! I'm pretty proud of myself. :)
Once I got home, I completed an entry in our great niece's traveling journal. Students in her fifth grade class have sent journals to friends and family asking them to continue the journals' travels. I think it's such a neat idea. Once you post your entry in the journal, you send it on to someone else. Then you send a postcard from your area to the class so the students can see where their journals have been. I was excited to participate. Thanks, Kylie!
I spent the afternoon at the clubhouse. The first hour I played music with the jam session. Then it was time for The Chenilles practice. The Chenilles is a group of women who perform at various events in the park. It's a comedy group of sorts. We sing (?) silly songs while dressed in bathrobes, towels on our heads, and slippers on our feet. It's great. I'll be sure to have Randy take pictures of our performance on Saturday night and will share them with you.
Last night we had a quiet night at home.
This morning I was rudely awoken at 4:15 with a migraine. Ugh. I laid in bed until about 5:45 then I got up and went to my recliner. With a couple of cups of coffee in me, the headache eased somewhat and I got ready to go out. It's Thursday, so we had Pickers jam session.
We ended up leaving the jam session during the break time 'cause I just wasn't feeling well. I hadn't eaten breakfast, which was pretty dumb since I already had a headache, so I was nauseous as well as headachy. Anyway, we came home early and I just rested in the recliner all afternoon. Randy watched TV and napped, too. :)
The rain came in late this afternoon, with the wind picking up as well. This evening we had dinner at the clubhouse. Since Mardi Gras events fall on Valentine's Day, the park was celebrated that tonight. We had a good turkey, dressing, and sweet potatoes dinner. The Vintage Vagabonds were playing for the dance. We enjoyed our dinner, but didn't stay for the dance.
RVers come out for meals!
Until the next time . . .
Sorry you haven't been feeling too good :( We feel like we are so out of touch but we have been having a fun and busy time with Stephen. The Valentine dinner looked like a really nice time....wish we could have made it. We look forward to reconnecting soon.