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Saturday, June 07, 2008

Quiet Saturday

Wow! Summer has arrived and it's not pretty. The three Hs, hazy, hot and humid, have settled in for the next few days. I know, I know; never happy, am I? I've been complaining about the rainy weather and now that there's sunshine forecasted for the immediate future, I'm complaining. However, I just wanted spring for a little while, you know, sunshine, 70 degrees, remember that? Seems we go from winter to summer anymore. Oh, well. Here we sit, inside, in our air conditioning and grateful for it.

Woke up with an ugly headache this morning, but headed out to Curves anyway. I do need accountability – having an appointment and meeting Lindsay meant that I went. If it was just me and no appointment, I probably would have shuffled my way to the recliner and collapsed. I was pleasantly surprised to find that with two migraine Exedrin in me, the headache receded while exercising. Didn't expect that. Once back out in the humidity, it came back somewhat, but not as badly as when I first woke up. So, that's good.

Looks like it's gonna be a TV/movie day. Too daggone hot to do anything else. Not even gonna cook. It's salad for dinner tonight!

One more thing: Our niece is 26 years old today. She's the next youngest grandchild and we have a great relationship. She's getting married this summer, too. So, here's to you, girl! We love you.


Until the next time . . .

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