Anyway, on to yesterday's activities. I was an industrious do-bee first thing in the morning. I had two loads of laundry in the washing machine by 6:15. I know, I know. Very crazy. But, the upside of being in the laundry room that early is that I don't have to jockey for a machine. I had the whole place to myself. Go figure. :) By 7:30 I was done and on my way back to the rig. The rest of the morning was taken up with the computer, some breakfast, cross-stitching, etc.
In the afternoon, we headed over to Jack & Jimmie's place for the block party. Getting into the truck felt like old times, with Dick & Pat joining us. Last winter we didn't go many places that Dick & Pat weren't with us. It's a nice feeling.
Jack & Jimmie are part of the Jubilee Pickers, one of the groups with whom I play dulcimers. They are wonderful folks, so nice. They had invited the group to join their community's block party and play for awhile, then have a covered dish dinner. Well, you know we are not ones to miss out on a good meal (or a bad one for that matter). As usual, we had a great time playing and eating. Here are some pictures of the afternoon. Didn't get any of the meal - too busy eating!! :)
Until the next time . . .
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