Pat and I went back to the beauty school for haircuts. They really do a decent job and for $12 plus tip you get a shampoo, cut and blow dry. Plus you feel like you're helping out the students by giving them a live person to practice on rather than a mannequin.
After our haircuts, we went to get our nails done. Pat only got a pedicure, but I did the whole nine yards - manicure, pedicure, brows & lip wax. I am beautiful! Well, my hands, feet, and hair are, at least! ;)
This afternoon we had an early dinner at Lambert's. I wrote about Lambert's last year, I believe. It's a family-owned restaurant with two other locations in Missouri. The neatest thing about this restaurant, other than their food which is fabulous, is their "throwed rolls." Many years ago when the restaurant was getting started, it was very busy and the waiters were trying to get around to all the customers with the delicious homemade rolls. Well, the story goes that one customer yelled out, "Just throw the darn thing!" (or something like that) and the rest is history. For more on this wonderful restaurant, visit their site at Lambert's.
We've been to Lambert's many times, but the highlight of this visit was that Jim & Ellie and Mark & Dortha were joining Dick & Pat and us. This was the first time we had to sit and visit with them since they've been in the park. Well, we had a wonderful time together! I keep repeating myself, but it's worth it - the best thing about living this RV lifestyle is the people we meet along the way. And Jim & Ellie and Mark & Dortha are proof of that. There's something that clicks with us RVers. We can be completely at ease with each other within minutes of meeting. And isn't that great?!!?!!
On the left, from front to back: Jim, Ellie, Dortha & Mark. You know those folks on the right!
Randy & I have even tweaked our Spring trip to include a few days in Rockport, TX so we can meet up with Jim & Ellie and Mark & Dortha. Can't wait to be able to spend a little more time with these folks. The four of them are leaving this week, so February will be the next visit together. Safe travels, you all!!
That's it for today. It's been chilly here, but sunny, so that's a plus. Hope you're having a good week. Until the next time . . .
Loved It!