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Friday, November 21, 2008
Celebrating Friendship
This was such a fun day. Today is Ruth's birthday. Ruth and her husband, Ron, were among the first of our friends here. They did everything they could to make us feel welcome at the park and to include us in the community. Ruth is also the one who introduced me to the dulcimer! Ron & Ruth are also the first ones to jump in and help when a need arises - no matter what that need may be or who it is.
So, I wanted to turn the tables on Ruth and celebrate her, for a change. Six us took her to lunch today at Applebee's and we had the best time. It was great to laugh and chat and get to know each other a little more. Don't we look like we're having a good time?
From L to R: Connie, me, Cindy, Ruth (the b'day girl), Linda, Sarita & Pat
Later this afternoon four of us, Ruth, Pat, Cindy & I, got together to practice a few songs for our dulcimer recording that's happening next Saturday. The Jubilee Pickers are recording a couple of CDs and are doing it in mini sessions. So, next Saturday six lap dulcimer players are getting together at one of the JP member's homes to record a Christmas song, a gospel song and a couple other songs. Linda & her husband, Marvin, have built a small recording studio in their home - isn't that cool?
And that was my day. Didn't see much of Randy, but I'll make up for that this weekend, I'm sure. He is so great about my comings and goings. I am blessed to have him as my husband. When I ask him if he minds my going out, he always tells me as long as I'm happy, he's happy. See how fortunate I am?
Hope you have a good weekend. Until the next time . . .
Rod's comment is, "Whatever makes you happy, makes me happy". Funny